Life is a fast runner it will be gone soon.
So wanted to pen this down.
Let's take time to aappreciate and love them.
We need to treasure our family, loved ones and friends, who knows today may be our last day on earth.

Let's love them unconditionally.
Kids to need to love and honor their parents and elders and not be indifferent to their love and concern.

Today let us refresh others with a smile, a loving word, a whispered prayer, a word of encouragement to someone, or a warm hug.It may be a small act for us but valuable to the one who receives.
Even as we refresh someone God will refresh us!!Let's spread the love of God around, even as we give God will pour more and more of HIS love within us.
If we have friends who have blessed our life, let's treasure them no matter what because they are God's gift to us!
You see we have to learn to treasure every relationships in our lives, with our parents, our spouse, our kids, our brothers & sisters (our own & spiritual) & friends .

Later as I grew up I met a lot of people in my life, some just were people who passed by, who touched my life for a moment & moved away.
But there is my hubby, kids, extended family and dear friends who have entered my world in a special way to stay in my life and heart always.
I value each of them for the way they've touched my life. Each of them have a a part in making me a better individual.

Let's not give up on people we love, though there will come testing and troubled times.
Let's hold on, God will restore all troubled and broken relationship. HE IS A GOD OF RESTORATION!!!
Let's take time to thank our Pastors,spiritual mentors.
Let people of God in business sell quality products and see to customer satisfaction.
We should be people of credibility.

Someone said..."The cultured give and forgive,
The uncultured get and forget".
Let's always be willing to 'give' and 'forgive'.
Let's be ever willing to share our blessings, time & all that we can give to those in need.
Sometimes it's just a 'listening ear' someone needs, are we willing to give a few of our precious moments to listen to them?
Let's not hoard blessings nor harbor un forgiveness.Be Blessed
The uncultured get and forget".
Let's always be willing to 'give' and 'forgive'.
Let's be ever willing to share our blessings, time & all that we can give to those in need.
Sometimes it's just a 'listening ear' someone needs, are we willing to give a few of our precious moments to listen to them?
Let's not hoard blessings nor harbor un forgiveness.Be Blessed
" You can't speak a kind word too soon, For you never know how soon it will be too late."
" Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today."