1. Four mistakes in praying for salvation:
(1) "Asking" God to save them!!
Instead, in Jesus name, break the power of Satan, blinding
the mind of your loved one.
existence--"Loose or decree salvation:".
(2) Not "praying through.
" Pray, do spiritual warfare, until
you "know that you know" you have the answer. There are two types of faith.
you "know that you know" you have the answer. There are two types of faith.
One is heart faith and the other is mental or intellectual
faith. You will have "heart faith" when you "pray through" by much prayer, praise, worship, and often tears of travail. Sometimes you will
need to fast for the breakthrough.
faith. You will have "heart faith" when you "pray through" by much prayer, praise, worship, and often tears of travail. Sometimes you will
need to fast for the breakthrough.
It may take seconds, minutes, hours, or even days to pray
through. Some fasting might be necessary. You will have a "knowing" or a deep, peaceful feeling that you have the answer, that you have "prayed through."
through. Some fasting might be necessary. You will have a "knowing" or a deep, peaceful feeling that you have the answer, that you have "prayed through."
(3) Through a lack of "patience."
You must hold on in faith until you see the salvation take place. Keep praising God for the answer.
See also
You can lose the miracle by becoming negative about your
loved one, instead of "holding fast to the profession of your faith."
This is a faith principle.
(4) Not DEEPLY forgiving them.
You must forgive your loved ones, release them to the Lord, and treat them with love. DON'T PREACH
TO THEM. Let God save them!
TO THEM. Let God save them!
1. Examples
(1) Norvell Hayes' daughter. God spoke to Norvell Hayes to stop preaching to his daughter, and just love her. Also he was told he must spend much time, even days, in prayer, until he had the assurance of her salvation. He did this and soon his daughter was beautifully
(2) Prostitute saved. Yonngi Cho advised the mother to "see" her daughter as saved and treat her as though she were already saved,
and holy. Her love and respect won her daughter quickly, and now she is an outstanding evangelist for the Lord. Faith works by love.
and holy. Her love and respect won her daughter quickly, and now she is an outstanding evangelist for the Lord. Faith works by love.
(3) Pastor's son saved through fasting. Rev. and Mrs. Heflin both fasted for long periods of time for their twenty-nine year old
son's salvation, the late Wallace Heflin, Jr. Having run from God for years, he was saved and became an outstanding evangelist, ministering
in 80 nations for the Lord.
son's salvation, the late Wallace Heflin, Jr. Having run from God for years, he was saved and became an outstanding evangelist, ministering
in 80 nations for the Lord.
(4) A husband and wife fasted and prayed much each day for three weeks for revival in their small church. An angel appeared to a hard-hearted sinner, and he and his large family, and many friends were
saved practically filling the church.
saved practically filling the church.
(5) A Buddhist saved. He wanted no part of Christianity. His nephew in Jesus Name, "broke the power of Satan" blinding him to the truth, "decreed" his salvation, and soon he was saved.
You can do the same and see your loved ones saved, and transformed by the Lord.