Sunday, May 17, 2020

Waiting for a life partner?

Waiting for a life partner?
🌿🌼It's impossible to find some one perfect but sure can find one who trusts God in midst of his/her imperfections. 
🌿🌼Pray for a person who is after God's own heart, who will change your life for the better and not just your relationship status.
🌿🌼A person who cares, is concerned, loving, doesn't talk about your weakness to others but praise you.
🌿🌼 Above a take time to pray with and for you, reads the Word of God with you.
God being the centre of a relationships makes all the difference!
Blessed day,
Julia 🌸🌿
#RelationshipsMatter #life #JesusChristMyLord #relationshipsthatmatter #askgod #pray