Saturday, March 30, 2013
One man+one woman=marriage
A young man of God asks,
"How can one believe that a person can be a Christian(Follower of Christ) while wantonly engaging in habitual sin; such as homosexuality, fornication, adultery in mind or body, the support in any way whatsoever of the murder of the unborn, or any other sin."
Our pastor always says..."God created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve."
**1 Corinthians 6:9
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders.
**Jude 1:7
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
What we 'tolerate' we can never change!!
One Ronnie (a brother in Christ) writes
"if we, as Christians continue to "accept" that which we know to be an abomination in the eyes of God, where does it stop?
Do we next also accept incest, blasphemy and finally murder? Why should we compromise our values and the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus just to accommodate roughly 2% of the population?
Mankind advances while God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow for eternity. If it was sin in the beginning, it's still sin now. There is no compromise. I don't care if anyone disagrees with me or what they may think of me for my stance on this issue. I WILL NOT compromise and accept what I know to be a sin. When I accepted Christ as my savior I vowed to be as much like Him as I possibly can. This is what Christian means, Christlike."
May the Lord pour His love in our hearts so that we can pray and reach out in love and with the truth of His Word to those who feel rejected, unloved and struggle to be set free.
May the Lord bind and restore broken marriages, heal wounded relationships.
I like what Max Lucado writes, "It’s easier to talk about a person than to help a person. It’s easier to debate homosexuality than to be a friend to a gay person. It’s easier to discuss divorce than to help the divorced. It’s easier to argue abortion than to support an orphanage. It’s easier to complain about the welfare system than to help the poor.
It’s easier to label than to love.
Is that to say we should be unconcerned for doctrine or lax in a desire for holiness?
Absolutely not."
May we love like Jesus did to all who need His touch.
May prayers of children unite spouses who are in the verge of separation....
Daddy's little girl..
God bless...
May our relationship with our spouse be held with cords of Your love O Lord...
This picture says it all...
When the enemy is trying hard to destroy and break marriages, God's trying to restore, bind and heal relationships.
O Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ, help us to love our spouse freely & harbor no bitterness or grudge,
Help us to learn to forgive & forget when we are hurt,
And be quick to say 'sorry' when we hurt our spouse.
All this will come easy if Your love will rule & reigns in our hearts.
Be blessed,
Friday, March 29, 2013
Stop and pause and be refreshed...

But in midst of all the running around, we need to stop everything once in a while, sit back, deep breath and just do something to relax ourselves. Even if we are at work in office we can stop a while to feel refreshed. May be we can just sit or just stretch ourselves a bit, or sit back and sip a hot cup of coffee.
We can listen to some good music or just close your eyes a while. If you have a lovely view outside your window, sit by a while & look at the flowers, birds, enjoy the beauty around you, watch the kids laugh and play.
Doing too much and working for many hours without rest makes us feel physically and mentally stressed out, this causes physical ailments too!

Life is precious and so short, let's take time midst our busy schedule to relax a bit and be refreshed.
Have a beautiful weekend.
May Our Lord Jesus Christ's presence refresh your mind and heart and make life worth living!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Hang on to what God thinks about you...
It doesn't matter what people say or think about you.
What's important is what God thinks of you.

Even when you fail & fall,if you cry out to Him with a sincere heart, He will lift you up, dust the dirt off you and will help you do better. He's still working on you. You are His treasured possession. He'll not condemn you when you fail and turn to Him for help. He'll look past your failures & sin at your repentant heart & help you stand & walk with a renewed strength & confidence.

Let not the people who rejoice at your fall & failures bother you. God will take care of them! He will not allow you to be put to shame. He will contend with those who contend with you.
But choose not to look back at the sin you left behind. Desire to walk holy before God and work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
As we walk with God, He will fight for us.
🍀Psalm 40: 14 May all who seek to take my life, be put to shame and confusion; may all who desire my ruin be turned back in disgrace.
🍀Psalm 35:1, Contend, O LORD,
with those who contend with me, fight against those who fight against me.
🍀Psalm 35: 26 May all who gloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion; may all who exalt themselves over me
be clothed with shame and disgrace.

So today will you choose to hang on to what God thinks about you?
Have a blessed day.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Behind every tear there is a story...
Hi..Family and friends....
Greetings from India....
God speaks in ways that are amazing..
I read this poem written by:
Raymond Anthony Fernando and was so..blessed..
Raymond Anthony Fernando and was so..blessed..
Today, if someone is rude or impatient
I will continue to maintain a healthy relation
Today, if someone discriminates
I will not engage him in a debate
Today, if I come across fair weathered friends
I will treat them as past tense
In my heart, I will silently ask God to bless those who are insincere
Even though their hurtful actions bring to my eyes many a tear
Today, if someone spreads gossip or slander
I will stretch out my hand to him like a brother
For today, I will not strike back or retaliate
For in God, I have full faith
Today, I will share the sorrow of any individual
For today, I yearn to find ways to make this a better world
Today, I will forgive any hurts or injuries that come my way
For today, I must make someone’s day
Today, I will give them my smile, my support
Even though, in the past, my kindness, many forgot
I will continue to maintain a healthy relation
Today, if someone discriminates
I will not engage him in a debate
Today, if I come across fair weathered friends
I will treat them as past tense
In my heart, I will silently ask God to bless those who are insincere
Even though their hurtful actions bring to my eyes many a tear
Today, if someone spreads gossip or slander
I will stretch out my hand to him like a brother
For today, I will not strike back or retaliate
For in God, I have full faith
Today, I will share the sorrow of any individual
For today, I yearn to find ways to make this a better world
Today, I will forgive any hurts or injuries that come my way
For today, I must make someone’s day
Today, I will give them my smile, my support
Even though, in the past, my kindness, many forgot
Today, I will praise the Lord with all my heart and soul For His mighty hand can create miracles, the bible has told
Today, I will thank God for the food on my plate
And ask that he always keep me in a healthy state
Today, is a so special to me and my wife
Because for 27 years, Doris, you have given me such a fulfilling life
Raymond Anthony Fernando
.copyright raymondfernando
Today, I will thank God for the food on my plate
And ask that he always keep me in a healthy state
Today, is a so special to me and my wife
Because for 27 years, Doris, you have given me such a fulfilling life
Raymond Anthony Fernando
.copyright raymondfernando

Isn't that good?
Yes behind every tear is a story, some may
be genuine and some fake but when we judge quickly we wound the hurting...:(
How often we listen to stories about people
and pass it on to others without even trying
to find out the fact.
and pass it on to others without even trying
to find out the fact.
wounded by spreading false rumours without
stopping by to find out if the message we
heard was true.
we choose to listen to the "lie" of the
Their life has a story we are not aware of.
We have not walked their path so we really
don't know the facts.
don't know the facts.
Instead of reaching out to help we are
quick to judge and label
It's sad...
quick to judge and label
It's sad...
So in future let's think twice before we accuse a fellow brother or sister. Our false judgement and accusation can end up as a costly blow to that person for no fault of his/hers.
Even if they are struggling with sin we need
to see how we can help them get out of the
enemy's snare.
to see how we can help them get out of the
enemy's snare.
We can pray with them and for them.
But if some one keeps sinning repeatedly,we
ought to warn him!
We need to be careful not to talk about and uncover past sins or mistakes of our fellow believers which our Lord Jesus Christ has forgiven and forgotten long back.
"Lord give us your love in our hearts to love
everyone like you loved, to pray for those
who persecute us, not be quick to judge
others as we may not really know what the
truth is.
everyone like you loved, to pray for those
who persecute us, not be quick to judge
others as we may not really know what the
truth is.
Love you Lord,
In Jesus Name,
Change our hearts O Lord...
Be blessed
Those without sin cast the 1st stone...
Hi ..family and friends..
Starting with a prayer..
Lord give us your love in our hearts to love everyone like you loved, to pray for those who persecute us, not be quick to judge others as we may not really know what the truth is. Love you Lord, In Jesus Name, Amen!"
O how easily we publicize or criticize a fellow brother/sister's weakness, judge, condemn instead of praying for them...!
Sorry Lord for the times I've done that...

Proverbs 25:7b and 8a it's said.."....what you've seen with your eyes do not bring hastily to court....."
Proverbs 25:9b " ...do not betray another man's confidence..."
Proverbs 25:9b " ...do not betray another man's confidence..."
When a woman caught in adultery was brought to Him (JOHN 8:1-11)

He asked her accusers,
John 8:7 " If anyone of you is without sin let him be the first to throw the stone at her."
John 8:7 " If anyone of you is without sin let him be the first to throw the stone at her."
We need to love those the world tramples and help them steady their faltering steps, pray for them and not be quick to condemn them.

We too got to forgive and release people of their past.
When Jesus forgives He immediately forgets and let's that person follow him.

He accusers called her a 'prostitute' but Jesus forgave, forgot and calls her 'Woman'.
John 8:10 "Woman where are they? Has no one condemned you? Then neither do I condemn you. Go now & sin no more."
John 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 8:10 "Woman where are they? Has no one condemned you? Then neither do I condemn you. Go now & sin no more."
John 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."

It may drive them further down the pit they fell, instead of pulling them back.We are all, as our Pastor always says, "Sinners saved by Grace walking towards perfection."

" I love you as you are" "I died that you may live, you are mine I'll make everything new for you. I will bring glory to my Name through you. And it doesn't matter what people say, I'm able by my blood to wash you clean. I will make you white as snow".
He cleansed us with His precious blood and clothed us with His righteousness.
That's God's love.
Let's imitate Jesus Christ our Lord.
" God's unfailing love for us is too big to understand, but it's not too big to share."
That's God's love.
Let's imitate Jesus Christ our Lord.
" God's unfailing love for us is too big to understand, but it's not too big to share."
"We can never untangle all the woes in other people's lives. We can't produce miracles overnight. But we can bring a cup of cool water to a thirsty soul, or a scoop of laughter to a lonely heart."
Judge not!
"Lord give us Your love in our hearts to love everyone like You loved, to pray for those who persecute us, not be quick to judge others as we may not really know what the truth is.Love You Lord, In Jesus Name,
God's word says.."Judge not..."
But...how easily we judge people.
In the body of Christ there are people with different level of faith. Some are just babies in Christ, still learning to walk. so they fall and stumble.
The stronger brothers and sisters need to help the struggling and weak. They need to teach them, discipline, rebuke and correct them and pray for them and with them.
That's why God's Word says in..

The stronger you grow in the Lord our walk gets steadier and we are well equipped to resist the enemy.
But the strong and standing too need to be careful...
We are not all perfect..
We are all sinners saved by Grace and walking towards perfection.
He's moulding and making us into a beautiful vessel of His choice.
He'll refine us in fire.
He clothes us with robe of righteousness
The Bible says...

Then there are others who have wandered away. We need to pray for them and see if we can help in leading them back to the right path.
Let's not point fingers and scoff at the weak and struggling.
Let's not judge and label people.
Max Lucado writes....:
You’ve judged. You’ve labeled. You’ve slammed the gravel and proclaimed the guilt before knowing the facts. If that is you, go back to John 9:4 and understand what the work of God is: “While it is daytime we must continue doing the work of the one who sent me.”
What is the work of God?
What is the work of God?
Accepting people.
Loving before judging.
Caring before condemning.
~Max Lucado~
Let's not laugh at the weak and foolish, for God can choose them and make them mighty men and women of God.

As we grow stronger in Him..we walk steadier and we will know to flee from sin and temptation.
He will help us in our weaknesses...

Let's think thrice before we act or speak...!
Let God's love rule our heart at all times.
Jesus expects us to be like the good Samaritan.
Let's be willing to learn, eager to grow and keep serving the Lord with gladness.
God Bless each of you..
Good Night,
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