Hi family and friends,
Good Morning from India.
May this day be blessed.
Let's trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, with all our hearts.
Let His presence go ahead of us.
Trusting in God..
may not always remove the hurdles we face or make mountains smaller.
But it sure make our walking, running & climbing easier.
We may be walking a desert pathway or on a narrow road,
but when our trust is on Our Saviour & Lord JESUS CHRIST,
we know it finally leads to the beautiful place (Heaven).
may not always remove the hurdles we face or make mountains smaller.
But it sure make our walking, running & climbing easier.
We may be walking a desert pathway or on a narrow road,
but when our trust is on Our Saviour & Lord JESUS CHRIST,
we know it finally leads to the beautiful place (Heaven).
Sure...I know I couldn't have made it this far without JESUS, HE SURE make it easier for me...because His presence makes the problem and pain easier to handle.
The HOLY SPIRIT has been an ever present helper.
Satan does come to steal, kill & destroy...but Our LORD gives life abundantly!!!!
When I'm weak HE'S MY STRENGTH,
When I falter, He steadies me...
When I fall..& cry out to HIM, He picks me up!!!!!
Yes through the trials we are perfected.....
So because of JESUS (Yeshua) I can smile through my pain!!!!!
Satan does come to steal, kill & destroy...but Our LORD gives life abundantly!!!!
When I'm weak HE'S MY STRENGTH,
When I falter, He steadies me...
When I fall..& cry out to HIM, He picks me up!!!!!
Yes through the trials we are perfected.....
So because of JESUS (Yeshua) I can smile through my pain!!!!!
There were times in the past I have tried to do things my way.
But it was when I let God take over I found true peace,
I will trust in My Lord JESUS Christ at all times.
Here below is a poem that blessed me.
Be Blessed,

Move me out of the way Lord.
I run to the front
To take the control
But in the end
It's harm to my soul.
I must be in charge
I think I know best
"It's my life," I say.
I'm leading the quest.
Who knows me better
Than I know me
Though you look
You do not see.
There's only one
Who truly sees me
He knows who I am
And who I could be
The author and finisher
Of my holy faith
The love of my life
He receives all my praise
He truly sees me
The intent of my heart
He understands all
He sees not in partThe depth of His love
For this wretched mean
It boggles my mind
So I don't understand
Why I insist
On running my life
When in the end
It cuts like a knife
When I look upon
The wreckage I've wrought
It all came to ruin
It all came to naught
The wreckage I've wrought
It all came to ruin
It all came to naught
It's come to the point
Where All I can say
Is move me, dear Lord
Move ME out of the way
Where All I can say
Is move me, dear Lord
Move ME out of the way
Make me decrease
Make me small
Make me, in the end
The least of all
Subdue my ego
O' Lord bind my pride
Have your way, Father
Just move me aside
To you be the glory
Creator of life
The author of peace
Moderator of strife
Flesh cries to be seen
Pride desires to be known
But I know the glory
Is yours alone.
So, Lord hear my plea and answer me true.
Keep me from running ahead of you.
Move me to the rear, drive me to my knees.
Lead me to the light, move me Father, please.
~Norris K. Oler~
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