Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Before it is too late..

🌿🌺 Do not wait until too late. Keep checking on family and loved ones stranded far away due to this lock-down.
Sometimes just praying with them, few words of encouragement or asking them how they are doing is all they need to hear. 
Sometimes our loved ones may just wait to hear our voice.
Before too late, keep reaching out in love.
🌿🌺Sometimes vital and important relationships take a back seat because of our busy schedule, career, ministry, or other activities that keep us busy!
🌿🌺Some of our elderly, grand-dads, grand-moms, are forgotten lying all alone just longing to hear few words of love.
When we remember people we had forgotten or those we left behind and turn back to say how much they mean to us, they may be gone never to return and you may never be able to see them again,
🌿🌺So before it's too late we need to tell our loved ones how much we love and care for them.
Let us treasure every vital and important relationships in our lives.
Julia 🌸🌿

A Poem I read:
If you have a tender message or a loving word to say,
Do not wait till you forget it, whisper it today,
The tender word unspoken,
The letter never sent,
The long forgotten messages,
 The wealth of love unspent,
For these some hearts are breaking.
For these some loved ones cry.
So show them you care for them before it's too late.
Don't strew me with roses after I'm dead.
When Death claims the light of my brow, No flowers of life will cheer me. 
Instead you may give me my roses now!
~ Thomas F. Healey

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