Monday, November 22, 2021

Do all things in love...

¸¸'•. ¸.•' ⁀⋱‿☆💗⁀⋱‿  
Each of us sure can do small things in great love! 
⭐️‿☆ So often we upset, are rude and hurt others unknowingly when we speak too quickly! 
I have done it too! Life teaches us the most valuable lessons! 
 ⭐️‿☆ Sometimes when we are busy and someone calls us, we tend to snap rudely. Doing so, we end up hurting kids, colleagues or a loved one. Instead, just pausing a second, taking a deep breath we can tell them kindly that we are busy with something, will call them back or will attend to them once done. 
⭐️‿☆ Sometimes when we are stressed, upset with someone else, we get angry with those close to us who has no idea why we burst out in anger. 
⭐️‿☆ May we be slow to speak. 
No wonder God's Word says in
✫🌸*✽* Proverbs 15 :1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."✫🌸*✽*
⭐️‿☆Life is a fast runner, may we smile more, spread joy, be caring, forgive easily, judge less, love and not hate, pray more, encourage others, be quick to say sorry, value vital relationships, love God with all our hearts, serve Him faithfully! 
🦋.* May we be honest in our opinion. 
🦋.* May we never compromise in what we believe is truth! 
🦋.* Stand up for what is right! 
🦋.* Be gracious in our manner.
🦋.* Be humble in our tone.
🦋.* Be thankful for what we are and all that we have! 
Thank You Lord Jesus!
✫🌸*✽*Corinthians 16:14 Do everything in love"✫🌸*✽*
#life #lifelessons #bekind
#loving #gracious #judgeless #praymove #respect #relationships #relationshipsmatter #humble #behonest #fullofgrace #saysorry #ThankYouMyLordJesus #begentle #bekindtoothers #givetothepoor #lifeteaches #pray #LoveGod #ServeGod #becheerful

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