🎀 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3).🎀
*˚✻.💕 Children are a gift to us, they need to be treasured. Quality family times together are important. Parent and children relationship is a very vital relationship, so need to do all we can to keep it going. We need to daily ask God to fill our hearts with His love so that we can see our kids the way Jesus sees them.
*˚✻.💕 Satan is all out to destroy this beautiful institution God created called 'family'. It's sad to see kids turn away and walk in disobedience to their parents. The best protection our kids can have in these last days is to keep them bound by cords of love. We, as parents, need to spend more time with them.
*˚✻.💕 Let's learn to see a child as a child, and handle them with care.
*˚✻.💕 Even when they are young, let's clearly differentiate between mischief and sin. Little kids are mischievous, but 'sin' must be explained, warned and punished for.
Bible says, 🎀 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)🎀
*˚✻.💕 We also need to daily cover our children with prayers. Remember, they often don't understand the unseen forces that are coming against them. So, it's our responsibility to stand against those forces on their behalf!
*˚✻.💕No matter what the circumstance, we are to raise them up in the fear and admonition of our Lord.
Be blessed,
🌼🌺*¨*•♪♫ #ThankYouLordJesusChrist
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