Thursday, June 25, 2020

Train up a child

Training up kids take effort but results rewarding! 
God's Word says in
🌿🌺 Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
🌷Training up sure takes a lot of effort and prayers. It is not that if we train them up in the right path, they will never leave it or stray away from it. But when we fill their heart with the right stuff, the Word of God, sound doctrine, good and wise advice, we can pray they will remember it and get back on track if they stay away.
🌷As Godly parents we can prepare the soil, sow the seed and pray God will grow the seed. We can show them, teach them but cannot force them.
🌷May our children be taught to value their family and time spend with family from when they are small.
🌷 May our children be taught to respect elders at home so that they will respect elders outside. 🌿🌺Leviticus 19:32 ‘You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord.
🌷May our children not be known for the degrees they hold or for the high profile job they are in but may they be known for their love for God, their joy, their cheerfulness, their compassion, sympathy, gratitude, helpful nature!
🌷Let them be known and seen to be striving to conform with God's will and not the pattern of this world.
🌷Our children are God's gift to us, may God bless them.
Julia © 🌺🌿
PC #someecards
#respect #respectelders #honor #childrenareablessing
#trainupachildinthewayheshouldgo #Children #heritage #honorelders #trainachild #childrenareaheritage

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