Thursday, January 13, 2011

Praying for our family...
JOSHUA 24:15
" But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

Let's thank God for our families this day...and pray a hedge of protection around our families.
So many marriages are in trouble, divorce among Christians on the rise.
There are people we know who's hearts are breaking, who are so...stressed out and on the verge of giving up.
It's time to pray and command God's blessings and rebuke and destroy the enemy's work.
How important is prayer for families?
Some one wrote...
"Prayer for families is the very foundation that keeps a family unit together. Have you heard the phrase "A family that prays together stays together"? The concept is true - a family that has their focus on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ has a foundation that may be shaken at times, but it will withstand all that comes against them. "

Have we neglected family prayers?
Time to get back to it...
Let's pray..

Some prayers...
"Lord, I cover myself and everyone around me with the blood of Jesus. I cover all of the members of my family (call them by name) with the blood of Jesus. I cover my home, my land, my car, my finances, my marriage, my ministry, with the blood of Jesus. In the Name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His blood, I break off every power of the kingdom of darkness and cancel every argument in heaven that has established itself against the plans of God in my life and spoil every attack of the enemy. I call forth, in the name of Jesus, all of God's plans and purposes for my life, and my family. As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. Satan, the blood of Jesus is against you and you have no authority over my life. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME (OR MY FAMILY) SHALL PROSPER!"

Father, I thank you for blessing me with my family. I ask you to bring us into unity through You. I ask that anything that is hidden in darkness - to cause disunity - will be brought to light. I ask You to lead us into Your perfect truth and help us to be the family You intend us to be. Lord, help us to be a blessing to one another and to others. Reveal Yourself to us and let us come into agreement with You. Lead us in Your ways. Grant us compassionate hearts, fill us with Your love that does not keep records of wrong, and bring joy to our hearts when we think of one another. Bring Your perfect peace and unity into our family. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

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